Monday, September 10, 2007

The O's Have It

Just the other day in one of my classes the professor had us write down the name of someone who we would want to be for a day. To no surprise, Oprah Winfrey was the most popular name that came up. I suppose that is why Forbes gave Oprah the number one spot on their list of Most Influential Celebrities. Being so, does that mean that if Oprah were to endorse something it would sell? Absolutely. Each month she gets millions of people to go out and read a book from her book list. On top of that she has over 49 million people tune into her show each week.
The reason I’m talking about Oprah is because just recently she has endorsed Senator Barack Obama in the 2008 Presidental Election. Good for Obama, bad for the other candidates. Although she is for Obama Oprah states that she still has a great respect for Hillary Clinton and the other candidates, stating: “I have great respect for Hillary Clinton. I think I’ve said this before and it’s true: Because I am for Barack does not mean I am against Hillary or anybody else."
She may not be against anyone else, but with her back behind Obama and with her being the most influential person in America, I’d say that Obama has a pretty good shot at becoming the next U.S. President.

1 comment:

Tricia said...

Yeah - I totally agree. I'm from Chicago, so I've watched both Oprah and Obama for years now. I remember thinking to myself the first time he was on her show that their relationship was going to help him in his future political endeavors. This was during his run for the senate. Even then, he had all of the women in the audience enthralled with him, as he sat with his wife and his girls on the stage. He had a star quality even then ... It was kind of amazing to watch. And now, years later, Oprah is still helping him out by putting her very powerful say into the race.