Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Road Trip with Hillary

While listening to Good Morning America the other morning as I was getting ready, I overheard Diane Sawyer tell America that in a recent GMA poll, 48 percent of Americans said they'd rather have Hillary Clinton as their traveling companion on a drive across country, versus 39 percent who'd want Rudy Giuliani along for the ride (she also beat out all her Democratic competitors.)The GMA poll voters also said that they’d rather Clinton over Giuliani as a business partner. Although neither of these poll results signify voter preference, serving as a business partner does seem to correspond to serving as the next president in my eyes. Maybe it’s just because Clinton has more of a “celebrity” status. I don’t know the answer, but we will find out soon enough.

1 comment:

Tricia said...

I would be interested to see what the outcome would be if they put the rest of the candidates in. ... I think Obama would certainly change that up a bit. ... And I think that this poll is important because it brings out the ever-so-important likability factor. It gets presidential candidates the White House.

Who can the American people stand to listen to for four years?

More important than most people would think.