Friday, December 7, 2007

Mormon: Mitt

It was Mitt Romney’s biggest speech of his presidential campaign just as it was John F. Kennedy’s in 1960.. both topics were about their religions. One has to wonder, in a country where there is separation of church and state, why does the religion of a presidential candidate matter to the people so much?

Why does it matter if Romney believes in Jesus Christ? Is it going to help him to lead our country? No it’s not.

Last week on CNN Live.. someone asked the presidential candidates whether they believed what the bible says? Once again, does it really matter what they believe? How one reads the bible, or believes the bible is not moving us forward or helping us at all with this presidential campaign.

“But some scholars and evangelical Christians, who make up a crucial voting bloc in the Republican Party and consider Mormonism to be heretical, say that many voters would like to hear more from Mr. Romney about exactly what he believes, even though he has studiously avoided discussing this except in the broadest terms.”

This coming from ABC News says that people want to know what Romney’s beliefs are… but why? Romney said that he is not a spokesman for his church and that theological matters dealing with his religion have absolutely no bearing on what he would do as president.

Okay.. I understand that a president’s believes may have an impact on how they make certain decisions, but why are the making such a big deal out of it?

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