Monday, November 5, 2007


This is not the first time I have visited the Investigative Reporters and Editors website. I used it numerous times in my J. Research class and think that it is a great website to utilize while doing investigative reporting. With 23,250 stories to browse from, finding some more information on an investigative piece is very easy.

In the Extra! Extra! Section of IRE, I find it quite interesting that everyday there are atleast 2 investigative storied published everyday. That amazes me that journalists are constantly finding new and interesting stories, and investigating them thoroughly.

One of the investigative stories from the Extra! Extra! section that caught my eye was the story about the gas stations in Florida failing accuracy tests. I never really thought about whether or not I’m getting cheated out of gas when I fill up my tank, and I’m pretty sure that the people in Florida are very glad someone investigated that problem. I know if I found out I was being cheated I would want something to be done about it- and by the publishing of this article, I’m sure something is now being done.

After reading this story, I wonder if accuracy tests like this are being done in our area, to see if we are getting cheated on gas. If not, that is a great story idea!

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