Saturday, October 13, 2007

Fighting like little girls...

“John McCain insinuated that rival Gov. Mitt Romney is conning New Hampshire voters when he implies that he is the "real Republican" in the race,” said ABC News' Bret Hovell.

Apparently McCain listed several things of Romney’s record which shows that Romney has more “liberal” tendencies… then Romney’s campaign fired back arguing that he does speak to Republican voters.

“That frustration may have been building for some time. Top McCain aides say that Romney's comments yesterday rubbed the Senator the wrong way, that he was anxious to respond, and that there will be more to come,” reported Hovell.

So the battle is on between the two. But does it really need to be?

Making comments like that to each other is just making them look stupid in my opinion. I don’t care whether the next President is a Republican or Democrat. I only care if they can lead our country and lead it well.

So I tell them both to stop getting in stupid fights and start worrying about what really matters.


ICLondonTraveler said...

Yes I completely agree! I think our politics have become so polarized that voters aren't looking at a candidate's stand on issues, but just siding with the popular Democrat or popular Republican depending on their political affiliation either way. And yes, they are fighting like little girls, but that's what campaigning is all about isn't it? Haha. These kinds of superficial jabs are all over the place, and it's disgraceful.

Hannah Perkins said...

Well, i do agree, and i feel that candidates and citizens are not focusing on the issues at hand, just battling over the characteristics of the proponents. I mean, yea i think it is disgraceful and it should be different, but inevitably candidates will pick on the other person, even if its not the important issues of the country. Us as voters and citizens need to look past these superficial jabs and key in on the issues and positions the candidates take on them.. :)

TrisOneill said...

I think this is rediculous. I don't care to hear about who is more this or who is more that. Tell me how we are going to end the Iraq war. Tell me how we are going to solve our ever-increasing national debt. Tell me how we are going to solve the oil crisis that looms on the horizon (and war is not the answer to this). Tell me how we are going to get health care to the poor. Don't tell me who is more Republican or Democratic. If voters will cast votes based on what these candidates and PR firms say, we deserve to have crap for presidents. Hopefully this will change and people will wake up.

Archana said...

wait..what? no! THIS is what really matters..i mean DUH! It is all about the is all about getting dow and dirty..i mean who cares if someone's proposed healthcare plan seems ridiculous. who cares if someone philosophy on the war is irrational? All we care about is who going to get down and dirty with each other....


bipartisan politics has done nothing but create more confusion in this country. it has done nothing but highlight issues that do not concern the growth of the country. The day when we focus on the "real" issues in mass will definitely not be seen in our lifetime.

once again...SAD but TRUE.

Bryan M said...

I don't want to sound repetative and say everything that the others have said, but your analysis of this "fight" is dead on. I mean, why waste your time appealing to the exremists in your party when you could be focusing more time on how you'll be a good leader? I don't think there's anyway for people like us to stop them from gettin in petty arguements, but if more people would stop listening, maybe we'll eventually get to more serious matters.

EffZee said...

I am agreeing with everyone here. Like Archana mentioned, it's all about the show and the attention it grabs. "There's no such thing as bad publicity," right? It wasn't about making sense but perhaps a clash of egos. Don't forget how it distracts voters from real issues too. Does anyone else smell red herrings?...If politics made sense, a lot of politicians would be out of a job.